
Rohin Bimal Sharma

Founder /Lead Trainer

Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Certified Training Professional (PSMB)
HRDC Certified

Rohin has been in the Training & Development industry for more than 22 years which include international placements in Canada and Singapore. 

As a Senior Corporate Trainer, he has trained and coached more than 30,000 corporate and government employees in the region on various Softskills programs. 

Apart from being a corporate trainer, Rohin was the Executive Director and Principal Consultant at Anugraha Consulting Sdn Bhd where he personally developed and delivered the Executive Development Program awarded by the Malaysian Human Resources Ministry (2009 -2010) to train and place 1000 youths nationwide in a JV with Open University Malaysia. Since then, Rohin has been the Lead Trainer for the execution and delivery of the Graduate Executive Trainee (SL1M / Protege’) program taken on by various GLCs nationwide.

In 2018Rohin began his involvement in the development of the refugee communities in Malaysia which is jointly organised by UNHCR, T4R and Monash University. It is a program designed to empower the refugee communities especially women and youth to be economically self sufficient and independent.

Year's of Experience
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Trained & Coached
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